Car Bingo Rules
Car Bingo has been designed to be fun, it is not a means to create ways for people (including children) to fight amongst themselves. As such I have created a set of rules that I
have used with my family for years. Whomever is creating this bingo card is encouraged to print out a copy of the Catalog when they create their bingo cards for
their trip. Soon this catalog should be presented as a final choice after creating the bingo card, and will only contain the pieces that are used in the states where you will be going.
The catalog provides names and pictures of the pieces so you know everything that is being asked for. Sometimes the names are very important in figuring out if a 'sighted object' is a
match for a piece on a bingo card.
As a general rule, if the piece cannot be ruled out, that is to say if it is "reasonable" for someone to say they saw it, then it counts!
For instance: One piece depicts a bottle of mustard. The catalog lists this piece as "mustard", if you have a bottle of mustard then that counts, but so also does a field of "mustard" growing,
or a packet of mustard, or a recognizable mustard stain. I would however not count a mustard coloured shirt, (its a yellow shirt!). Nor would I allow something like a pickup truck to be counted as an SUV etc.
Car Bingo Rules
- The driver is the final judge on all incidents. The driver (who may change) may ask the opinion of someone else before making a decision.
- If a piece is spotted, it needs to be called out to ensure everyone agrees. (most likely this will occur as they have pieces they need to get too.)
- Everyone gets to count a piece that was spotted, even if they didn't see it themselves.
- Sometimes you win, other times you don't. No crying or whining is allowed in car bingo!
- Everyone has access to the catalog.
This Games Bingo Rules Sample
- Your Bingo card is made up of four 5x5 grids. A picture is in each box showing what must be found!
- The center piece of each box is a "Saskatchewan Licence plate" as we are from Saskatchewan, and our vehicle has a Saskatchewan licence plate this square will be a FREE space.
You can go ahead and mark it off now.
- The driver is the final judge on all incidents. The driver (who may change) may ask the opinion of someone else before making a decision.
- If a piece is spotted, it needs to be called out to ensure everyone agrees.
- Everyone gets to count a piece that was spotted, even if they didn't see it themselves.
- Sometimes you win, other times you don't. No crying or whining is allowed in car bingo!
- Everyone has access to the catalog.
- Keep all your cards after the game is done. You will find out why later!
- The first game will be won by the first person to create a straight line of 5 consecutive squares (which may include the free space), either up and down, or across or diagnally. (Sights from previous games do not count this game.)
- The second game will be won by the first person to create a cross (+) or a X (x) through the center square comprised of a total of 9 squares. (Sights from previous games do not count this game.)
- The third game will be won by the first person to create a box around the outside of their 5x5 game board. (Sights from previous games do not count this game.)
- The fourth game will be won by the first person to blackout their entire 5x5 game board! (Sights from previous games do not count this game.)
- Did you keep all your previous game boards? Thats good because the last 3 games will be made up of whomever blackouts their previous games. The good news however is all the sights from previous games count, but only on
the squares where they were originally marked. (You can't count a square on game 1 that was sighted in game 2!